The League of Women Voters of Salina relies upon donations from people like you to support our programs and activities including voter education, educational programs, and advocacy efforts.
Thank you for joining in LWV Salina’s mission with your donation!
Make your gift online with credit card below. Note: a PayPal account is NOT required:
Each gift extends the reach of our volunteers’ efforts to empower citizens, inform voters, and make democracy work.
Donations help LWV Salina greatly because these can be used without restrictions for programs, advocacy, and operating expenses. General fund contributions are not tax deductible.
To donate by mail:
Download and mail this form.
Make checks payable to “LWV Salina” and send to the following address:
LWV Salina
P.O. Box 502
Salina, KS 67402-0502
Thank you for your support!